måndag 26 januari 2015

Heartbeat Bat

The second course in game design started and this time we will be in the same group as we was last time but do another teams game design. We will also do a real playable game this time which is going to be really fun!
Every group got to choose another groups game and my group, Team 12, chosed to take the game design "heartbeat bat". Basicly its about a bat that want to get back to his home tree but is getting alot of trouble on the way since he have both a pacemaker and a bad heart. He also aswell gets resistance from alot of trolls lurking in the caves.

Our group will probably change the concept a bit and we have brainstormed quite alot about the game mechanics. One of the idea was to use a sonar to light up or to make a image for the bat about the environment.

Another idea was to use alot of narrative and make a more comic game by having a backstory with a bat and a pig locked up in a research center with a crazy scientist. The scientist switch the bat and pig´s brains but both the bat and the pig escapes, having to run from the crazy scientist as fast as possible. As a player you would then play both the pig and the bat and try to simultaneously watch out and jump over different obstacles.

The idea was at the end throwed away since the group did not think it would be so fun gameplaye to control two characters.

We decided, after alot of discussion, to go with a game where the player is a bat flying and avoiding different obstacles, but we still have alot of work to do to get the game more entertaining.

fredag 2 januari 2015

Last extra assignment

For getting a higher grade in the 2d-course the class could choose to do two extra assignments. The assignments was to shadow and light an pre-sketched city and to make an figure out of a very loosely sketched drawing. I learned alot about layering and how to use them when doing this and also I learned alot about how to shadow and light environments.

